Achtung! Ratio req.

Сообщения: 11
На сайте с: 14.07.2017
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adeezl писал(а): 15 ноя 2022, 07:10 we're not BT noobs of course
Hard disagree. Plenty of noobs that could use some help. This thread's existence is evidence enough of that to me.
adeezl писал(а): 15 ноя 2022, 07:10 My point was that
I appreciate that I quoted a post that was replying to you, but as I think I made clear in my reply, my statement was directed at "anyone", not you specifically.

But seeing as we're here, have you done what I suggested? Have you confirmed your port forwarding is working by using a test tool?
adeezl писал(а): 15 ноя 2022, 07:10 My speeds are 300/11.. yes 11 up.. 1.1meg uploads. What's your upload?
My upload is 40 Mb/s, but my torrent client is limited to 15 Mb/s (so very similar to your 11 Mb/s), as I seed constantly, and I don't want to trigger any scrutiny from my isp.
adeezl писал(а): 15 ноя 2022, 07:10 I get full upload of course.. Unfortunately the the issue here like many others have stated, are just the total lack of people downloading the files a few hours after uploading.
If that's the case, then explain to me how since I enabled working port forwarding, all of my 720pier torrents have anywhere from 2 to 8 (rounded to the nearest whole number) times ratio, with an average of 5 or 6 times ratio, even though I rarely download them soon after release? And my 720pier torrents are constantly competing for throughput with the many public tracker torrents I seed. Many of those public tracker torrents have ratio over 100 times (though I delete most of them once they hit 100 ratio, so I don't have many active torrents over 100 ratio).

Take the Mem@Gsw Nba game I just downloaded while typing this comment. It was released ~24 hours ago and has a seed/leech of 99/3. I will check back in in around a month and let you know how it is going. No funny business - I will continue to leech and seed everything as normal.
Сообщения: 11
На сайте с: 14.07.2017
Репутация: 0


Charmander писал(а): 27 дек 2022, 05:46 Take the Mem@Gsw Nba game I just downloaded while typing this comment. It was released ~24 hours ago and has a seed/leech of 99/3. I will check back in in around a month and let you know how it is going. No funny business - I will continue to leech and seed everything as normal.

4.01 ratio after approximately one month of seeding.
Сообщения: 1
На сайте с: 08.03.2023
Репутация: 0


first time on a private tracking site, will do my best to see to the ratio plus a bit more! :)
Сообщения: 11
На сайте с: 14.07.2017
Репутация: 0


nbanabnba писал(а): 08 мар 2023, 09:12 first time on a private tracking site
nbanabnba писал(а): 08 мар 2023, 09:12 will do my best to see to the ratio plus a bit more
My recent posts in this thread may be of use to you if you find yourself struggling to sufficiently upload. Good luck!
Block_ 65
Сообщения: 1
На сайте с: 02.12.2019
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I would like to understand why my ratio never changes or changes imperceptibly. Today, for example, I uploaded 11.5 GB but my total upload is always the same. What should I do? I keep my PC on 15-16 hours a day but the situation is always the same...
Сообщения: 13
На сайте с: 29.10.2023
Репутация: -1


Yep Same issue. I am uploading 2:1 but my profile stats/history do not reflect this.
Сообщения: 2
На сайте с: 05.03.2023
Репутация: 0


Same, upload stats haven't been updating in a while.
Сообщения: 2
На сайте с: 05.03.2023
Репутация: 0


Some movement on the uploads stats happening…
Сообщения: 13
На сайте с: 29.10.2023
Репутация: -1


Yep. I am also seeing mine increase. :nice:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 28
На сайте с: 09.11.2017
Репутация: 12


The problem with ratio requests on private trackers is that it assumes that there is a marketplace where everyone can contribute. This is not the case for 720pier. As for NFL, NHL and NBA the market has limited supply (no. of games to be posted). The competition for who's posting first is not healthy as people with the most resources and time will win. Competing for bandwidth is not great either as those with seedboxes in automated environments will clearly have an advantage and dominate the seed side of things.

On other sites that, for example, specialize on music, the market is huge which means there are always opportunities for new contributors. In case of 720pier there are not many opportunities as outlined above.

That's why I think that introducing ratio requests is not a good idea. What I'd be interested in is the reasoning behind the idea. Maybe the ops can clarify that?
Сообщения: 211
На сайте с: 14.04.2018
Репутация: 473


Looking at the cap schedule, I'd imagine the 2 people doing the bulk of uploading would welcome additional cappers to upload content so they don't have to do 5-10 releases in a single night. There doesn't seem to be any competition for who uploads first, if you want to cap something, drop your name in the schedule and nobody will compete with you for that game/slot.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 28
На сайте с: 09.11.2017
Репутация: 12


Calling for cappers to help out is a different discussion than imposing ratio requirements which are more difficult to meet as the popularity of the site grows.
I agree that 0.1 is not much but I also think that new members have to start somewhere so one approach could be to offer ratio free downloads where only upload is measured.
Сообщения: 211
На сайте с: 14.04.2018
Репутация: 473


Then why did you mention the supposed competition for releasing first in your post? Or complain about lack of opportunities? It's your discussion, not mine.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 28
На сайте с: 09.11.2017
Репутация: 12


Imposing ratio requirements leads to competition, either for bandwidth or the fastest upload. Right now it's bandwidth.
Do you consider 5 or 7 uploads per day (on avergage) plenty of opportunities? If the cappers want help, they'd ask for it. Your discussion, not mine.

Btw, haven't seen your name on the capper schedule, yet.
Сообщения: 211
На сайте с: 14.04.2018
Репутация: 473


I don't need to cap shit, I'm not complaining about ratio. I snatch and dump to shut the whiners up so I'm not taking anything away from them when they're trying to seed.
Сообщения: 13
На сайте с: 20.08.2021
Репутация: 1


I need some help to understand. I'm seeding like crazy, all my snatches have good relative uploads/download on my Torrent client and yet, my ratio on this website is literally sinking for the past 6 months... Bytes uploaded are only partially registred.
WTF is this ?
Сообщения: 39
На сайте с: 08.10.2022
Репутация: 0


It seems most of all commented (at least in this last page), still happening. No traces to change. And no hints on how to know :ak:

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